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Each year the Trans-Tasman Occultation Alliance (TTOA) hosts a Trans-Tasman Symposium on Occultations (TTSO). These meetings were alternately held in New Zealand in odd years (in conjunction with the Annual Conference of the RASNZ) and in Australia in even years (with the biennial National Australian Convention of Amateur Astronomers - NACAA - held at Easter). This pattern has been broken since the commencement of the COVID-19 pandemic with strictly online only meetings. It is hoped to revert to physical meetings (in combination with online) in the future.

They attract a wide variety of participants from novices to advanced observers. Their common goal is to advance the observation of all types of occultations.

Below are links to some recent TTSO meetings:

[Site Map] [What's an Occultation?]
[Total Occultations] [Grazing Occultations] [Planetary Occultations] [Jovian Satellite Eclipses]
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