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OCCULTATION OF UCAC4 230_109320 BY 61 Danae
2014 July 28

A 10.1 second occultation was recorded by Dave Herald, using video OSD technique.

One clearly observed miss was recorded for this event.

View the TT14 prediction.

  1    D Herald,Murrumbateman, NSW, AU      
  2(M) S Kerr,Rockhampton,QLD,AU            
  3(P) TT14 Prediction,28 June                   


Danae occultation__ 2014 July 28


The ellipse above is plotted so that the major axis fits the chord of 91 km and the area is the same as the predicted circle of 83 km. T With only one chord it is not possible to determine whether Dave was East or West of the central line of the event. However, assuming the updated prediction was approximately correct the longer than expected chord of about 91km would suggest that the chord might lie close to the central portion of the asteroid.

The figure below shows the Tangra light curve of the occultation analysed in AOTA.

Danae occultation__ 28-July-2014

Observational Data:

Observation details for MP ( 61 ) Danae
By Star              UCAC4 230-109320
On 2014-07-28  at 09:38:02.0


Observer   Dave Herald
Location   Murrumbateman, NSW, AU
Longitude  +148:59
Latitude   -34:57
Altitude   594 m
Datum      WGS84
Telescope SCT including Cass and Mak
Aperture   40 cm
Seeing     Steady Clear
Camera Type  WAT910BD       PAL/CCIR
Camera Delay -0.04
Timing     GPS - time inserted Video with frame analysis
Disappearance  09:37:21.87
Reappearance   09:37:31.99
Comments: 35 secs early, and a little longer than expected
Lightcurve from 09:36:31 to 09:38:30 by Tangra v3.1.9 
using AperturePhotometry/BackgroundMedian. Analysis by AOTA v4.1.1.4. 
Report prepopulated by IOTA Reporting Add-in for OW ver.1.8


Observer   S. Kerr
Location   Rockhampton
Longitude  +150:30
Latitude   -23:16
Altitude   50 m
Datum      WGS84
Telescope SCT including Cass and Mak
Aperture   30 cm
Seeing     Steady Clear
Camera Type  WAT120N+       PAL/CCIR
Camera Delay -0.07
Timing     GPS - time inserted Video with frame analysis


Comments:   Report prepopulated by IOTA Reporting Add-in for OW ver.1.8


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